Monday, March 4, 2013

Cadmium and Cancer

I am an alternative physician and I have spend 20 years researching the effects of cadmium on health and the environment. See Cadmium is associated with breast, prostate, lung, and pancreatic cancer. It is a carcinogen, co-carcinogen, and anti-carcinogen and its effects are unpredictable. It gets into rapidly growing cells with fluid membranes. Successful use of chemo and radiation may involve cadmium effects on the cancer cells. Likewise toxic effects of these therapies may involve cadmium effects on normal cells. Certainly the resurgence of chemo and radiation resistant cancer cells involve cadmium resistance.
Except for cigarette smoke, human exposure to cadmium was not felt to come from air pollution. Unfortunately there are many sources of cadmium air pollution coming from trash burning power plants, fossil fuel combustion, and super phosphate fertilizers getting into the air from plants. However, both passive and active smoke greatly increases cadmium exposure. Cotinine correlates with cadmium. Higher Cotinine and NNAL levels in the urine of smokers increases their risk of lung cancer in the next 5 years 8.5 times. Cadmium is highly synergistic with chemicals and by affecting the liver can double the levels of the chemical in the system with co-exposure. Heart disease and strokes kill more smokers than lung cancer. These are also cadmium toxic effects.
Since 1980, with the elimination of leaded gasoline, the cadmium in the air has become more bio-available, making non-smokers more exposed to cadmium. Estrogen increases cadmium uptake so women and middle aged men who are under stress and making more estrogen from their adrenals are more exposed to cadmium.
In general: a nutrient dense, high fiber, plant food based diet, with good fish oils, a good night sleep, cardiac coherence exercise (rhythmic slow movements), a GI tract with good probiotics and no yeast or toxic bacteria from taking antibiotics, and happiness ( love, end of stress, Low Dose Naltrexone , meditation, spirituality) counter the toxic effects of cadmium. Although cadmium is not mentioned, the AntiCancer Action Plan in Anti Cancer a New Way of Life by David Servan-Schreiber is an excellent general health action plan that I think would contribute more to Health Care Reform than any legislation Congress could pass. It is an excellent anti-cadmium approach. I have only 5 minor disagreements with his suggestions.
Cadmium’s effect on health has been generally overlooked due to erroneous assumptions of toxicologists and lack of knowledge of other health professionals. There is a great deal known about its effects however in bacteria, fungi, and cells of all kinds. This is particularly interesting since so much of the research on cancer is on signal transduction modification. Cadmium increases IL-6, IL-8, works through the MAPK pathway via p38, it plays a role in nuclear transcription via AP-1. I t activates NFK-beta. It generates ROS (reactive oxygen species) which play a role in angiogeneisis. It down regulates mitochondria which may increase glycolysis.
If you look up estrogen and lung cancer you will find that 61 % of lung cancer cells, especially adenocarcinoma have a nuclear estrogen receptor beta, 70.3 % of males where it is associated with a more favorable prognosis. The anti-estrogen fasolodex (no other anti-estrogen) kills cancer cells especially in conjunction with a blocker of EGFR. There is one NCI trial currently using faslodex and tarceva. ER beta is found in osteoclasts in the bone and in the brain. This is one rationale for using faslodex for bone and brain metastasis. Probably also useful for adrenal metastasis since estrogen can be produced in the adrenal gland.
Binding of estradiol to ER initiates dissociation of HS protein followed by dimerization and nuclear localization, binds to DNA, AF-1 transcription via MAPK pathway mediates angiogenisis.  Estrogen can activate EGFR ( HER-2). Block with Fulvestrant (faslodex 250 mg IM every 3 weeks)
There is now an experimental radiaoactive estradiol that can be used in PET scan that can determine estrogen receptor positivity in primary and metastatic tumors. It was designed for determining hormone resistance in breast cancer but might prove helpful in determining estrogen positivity in any tumor.
In my studies of urinary hormone metabolites done by Genova I have found and the laboratory confirms that there is a very high predominance in men and women of excess 4-OH estradiol, the carcinogenic estrogen , and also a decrease in its methylation and a general decrease in methylation. Hypomethylation is another effect seen in cadmium studies.
In soy products. It is an estrogen receptor beta agonist. It inhibits Il-6 which makes cisplatin more effective. Other substances are IL-6 inhibitors It inhibits GLUT-1 expression which may be important for Taxol getting into the cell and so don’t use soy with taxol.
Alternative anti estrogen therapies include 12 mg of iodine, 200 mcg of plant based selenium, tocotrienol.
Il-6 is increased by stress ( Cd effect) , lack of sleep, and depression. It increases bone resorption via MAPK Cd pathway). Increased in hormone refractory prostate cancer. It increases platelets in circulation. If not bone marrow suppressed one can check Il-6 activation with platelet count, perhaps. Statins and N-bisphophonates like zometa inhibit IL-6. Alternatives: fish oils, polyphenols in green tea, colorful berries, grape seed extracts, spices like turmeric and black pepper ( curumin and bioperine) Chinese herb magnolia officinales inhibits IL-6 and Low dose naltrexone (LDN) especially in combination with alpha lipoic acid which chelates and detoxifies cadmium.
BLOCK Il-8 ( increased by Cd)
IL-8 is an angiogenesis factor that promotes growth of NSCLC negatively correlated with survival. Increases resistance to apoptosis from radiation and cisplatin.
BLOCK c-Met (HGF/C-met over-expression associated with poor prognosis mediated by cox-2 PG-E2 (cadmium pathway) inhibit with celebrex . COX-inhibition enhances Tarceva effects.
alternatives: Live Right For Your Type by Peter D'adamo  page 234 melatonin, curcumin plus all strategies that block Cd
By blocking Cd, Green tea (ECGC) many other herbs and spices including oleander
BLOCK EGFR ( Tarceva, Iressa, Erbitux)
alternatives: See Live Right for your Type (LRFYT) by Peter D’Adamo Page 232 to 234
*Melatonin up to 20 mg a night
*Curcumin (can use 1 T turmeric and 1 t ginger twice a day with olive oil, garlic, and black pepper in food or use capsules of curcumin and bioperine)
* Quercitin ( best absorbed with bromelain) can take up to 6 capsules a day ( found in the brown skins of yellow onions) can put in crock pot soups and let it leach into the liquid.
* Rosemary also can be used in cooking
* Avoid wheat and wheat germ ( major disagreement with Anti Cancer book see LRFYT)
EGFR, NFKbeta and IL-6 are a cancer pathway and inflammation pathway.
Regulates angiogenesis. Drugs Avastin, Sutent, and others block angiogenesis
related to glycolysis and low external pH around cancer cells
Deep slow breathing, cardiac coherence, use of oxygen or hyperbaric oxygen
Dichloroacetate (DCA) see WEB page. Take intermittently to avoid neuropathy 5 mg /Kg twice a day 5 days on and one day off. Watch for high BP. Monitor with LDH ( p34 hypoxia induced stress protein is an isozyme of LDH which cadmium, the mediator of the stress response, can increase ). Alpha Lipoic Sustain by Jarrow 300 mg twice a day is a good blocker of cadmium toxic effects that DCA could cause.
FK-228, depsipeptide Suppresses the RAS MAPK pathway ( Cd pathway) also folate antagonist/ Alimta is folate antagonist alternatives: Valproic acid ( generic Depakoate a common anti-epilepsy drug RX is required) also blocks MAPK and anti-folate plus Parthenolide (PKC inhibitor) from fever few ( can get the pure compound on line) Vit E and tocotrienol can also block PKC. Valproic plus Parthenolide plus Faslodex for resistant breast cancer cells
blocking MAPK helps with K-ras positive resistant tumors.
BLOCK IGF-1 (insulin derived growth factor)
Reason to keep blood sugar stable. Swings in blood sugar increase insulin levels ( can tell by belly fat accumulation) Increased IGF-1 activates K-ras confers resistance to EGFR antibodies. IGF-1 favors progression of small lesions. Activation of K-ras associated with adverse prognosis. Synergistic effect of inhibition of IGF receptor, EGFR and HER-2 (INSM-18 dual inhibitor of IGF-1 and HER-2) Panitumamab ( human EGFR Ab) and stable disease.
Curcumin and Bioperine
Methionine restriction ( low protein no egg yolks) important for bone lesions
BLOCK HS-90 ( heat shock protein 90 )
IP1-504 Seattle Cancer Alliance better response with wild type EGFR
Jill Goddart 617-453-1014 Clinical Trial. See above possible role with
Inhibit PG-E2 with anti cadmium strategies. Anti-Cox like Celebrex or herbal alternatives. Inhibit IL-6. Vitamin D-3 up to 20,000 units a day (monitor calcium to be sure levels don’t go above 11. Vit K2100 to 1000 mcg a day ( high levels in NATTO fermented soy beans) 7-keto DHEA adrenal hormone that does not convert to other hormones. Helps convert fat into muscle: anabolic
Dimensa, free thiols try Alpha Lipoic acid Sustain 300 mg (Jarrow) 1 tab twice a day 48 to
72 hour after chemo and 2 days before chemo. Another protocol stop herbs 48 hours before chemo and resume 72 hours after chemo.

IDEAL THERAPY based on cell killing. Expose cancer cells to cadmium to determine resistance. If no killing in 20micromolar Cd, highly resistant.
GENE typing also very helpful.\
* LOVE. We are born to love. Activates dopamine the reward chemical.
Lowers the perception of pain. Makes life worth living.
* SEE DCA WEB page for a complete protocol used by a woman who did not use DCA
* DCA anti-glycolysis. Available without RX from UK on line
* Beta glucan increases chemotherapy efficacy
*Oleander potentiates chemo and radiation ( Tony Isaac Oleander Protocol)
* Tian Xian Chinese herbal medication approximately $400 a month
* Exercise ( cardiac coherence movements) alleviates fatigue
* Inhibitors and inducers of CYP3A4 should be avoided with certain
chemos: grapefruit, pomegranate, and gingko
* Use of B-1, B-6 and B-12 to prevent neurotoxicity
* Noscarpine ( affects microtubles target of taxotere) anti cough and
anti-cancer. Increases heart rate, alertness, decreases sleepiness.
Cannot take with Coumadin. Can obtain on line.
*Marinol (RX) or medical marijuana anti nausea, appetite stimulant,
and anti-cancer
* Low dose Naltrexone (LDN) 1 to 4.5 mg with garlic, B-6 10 to 50 mg
at bedtime see WEB pages lowers Il-6. terminates the stress response,
pain reliever by enhancing endogenous opiates. Can’t be used with
opiates ( exogenous opiates). Requires a RX. Very inexpensive. Best in combination with alpha lipoic acid.
* Organic germanium. Cadmium chelator. Excretes
cadmium through the urine. See Web page. 150 mg 3 times a day.
Reportedly good for pain. Terminates the stress response.
* TMZ more positive effects with green tea (ECGC)
* Nutritional lithium OTC lithium orotate for low WBC, anxiety,
depression, alkalinizing
* Memastine for cognitive dysfunction from Whole brain radiation
See Immune Restoration Handbook by Mark Konlee
See Anti Cancer a New Way of Life
IMPROVING ENERGY (Mitochondrial function)
* D- Ribose ( Corvalen) 2.5 to 5 gm 2-3 times a day. May take 2-3
weeks to see benefit
* Co enzyme Q 10 100 mg a few times a day
*Acetyl L carnitine 250 to 500 mg twice a day ( especially good if
unintended weight gain, helps turn fat into energy)
* Rhodiola rosea herb that improves energy anti cancer, and decreases
toxicity of chemo
* Vinpocetin 5 mg 1-2 times a day increases ATP in neurons, increases
short term memory, focus, concentration. In high doses decreases
platelet clumping, may decrease risk of stroke or clots. Used to
improve brain function following strokes
* Magnesium as magnesium ascorbate (vit C), very good for
constipation, magnesium inositol(Cenitol) very good for overall neuronal function

Friday, March 1, 2013

Letter to Al Gore (unanswered)

I would like to introduce you to another important connection regarding global warming that you do not address in your book.  Our planet is stressed and the biochemical mediator of the stress response is cadmium (Cd). Where is Cd coming from? It is a ubiquitous element in air coming from population growth, industrial processes, agricultural practices, combustions of all kinds and probably solar winds since polar animals have high levels of Cd in their kidneys. Tobacco smoke has always been a powerful source.  It has to be the most important global element that nobody concerned with global warming seems to know anything about.

The Cadmium Hypothesis
Although you mention cadmium once in your book as one of 215 toxins found in humans routinely, it has a major effect on the many problems you outline so well. The planet is an aggregate organism of all the living systems.  It is my hypothesis that cadmium played a role in the evolution of the planet and the past climate changes, mass extinctions and dramatic changes in life forms that occurred.
 It was able to do this because it is changes gene expression, interferes with DNA repair and  acts through signal transduction pathways that help cells adapt to stressors in their environment. The very young are generally unable to adapt.  The strategy is to quickly sequester cadmium and then just allow a little cadmium to be free in situations of stress to do the necessary up and down regulation of genes and signaling to respond to the stress in an adaptive way that leads to resiliency and hardiness.
At current levels of pollution the planet is not able to sequester the cadmium adequately. The extreme variations in temperature, storms, flooding, and drought are manifestations of this stress. If the people concerned about climate change are unwilling to look at what I have discovered I do not believe an adequate solution can be found.

Methane Production
Archae, one of the oldest living forms, which makes up 16% of the earth’s biomass, makes methane, sulfuric acid and nitrates. It has the enzymes of DNA repair and signal transduction found in plants and animals. These organisms are able to survive in extreme environments, just the conditions that cadmium could facilitate.  By increasing methane gas from archae cadmium contributes to global warming.   In animal studies when the archae  in the guts of ruminants that make methane are treated with tannins which bind cadmium, the methane production decreases. 
Since methane deposits  were probably produced by Archae  using Cd. It is possible that these deposits contain Cd. Dimethyl cadmium is an odorless gas and the current filters will not pick it up. Fracking has been associated with adverse effects in humans and animals that one could attribute to cadmium acting probably in conjunction with other chemicals. I would very much like to see a biological filter for cadmium used to determine how much cadmium leaks out and whether “clean” methane gas is actually clean. If burning it is releasing more cadmium fumes it will contribute to global warming.

Measuring Cadmium
Algea exposed to cadmium increase the copy number of the cadmium binding protein phytochelaton.  The filters in use now for cadmium were developed when lead was in the air and the lead/cadmium particulate was caught. Without lead cadmium goes through the filter which is why the various groups concerned about global warming have not been paying attention to cadmium.  It is necessary to use a biological trap.  I predict that invasive species are cadmium resistant. That would be a kind of measure. The fungal blights affecting corn in the Midwest are cadmium tolerant. All fertilizerrs have cadmium and cadmium gets into the lignan of plants which is how it gets into plastics.  Cadmium can go through the plant into the air in hot windy conditions but the current filters wont pick up this fume.

 CO2 Production
All combustion releases cadmium in the air. Biofuels are just as bad as fossil fuels. But in addition to releasing CO2 it releases Cd which influences all plants. Diatoms in phytoplankton use cadmium to produce CO2 which increases the growth of phytoplankton.  This is a large biomass in itself.  Cadmium can decrease photosynthesis and increase photo-respiration increasing CO2. At the same time it will decrease the atmospheric O2, a finding you describe that is happening.

How Leaded Gasoline Blocked Cd Uptake and the Aftermath of Its Removal
When there was lead pollution from tetraethyl lead in gasoline, Cd was more effectively monitored but it blocked to some degree the uptake of Cd in house dust, pollen, and all living entities. In 1993, a German scientist found the uptake of Cd in the tree rings of a single oak was decreased in the time period from 1960 to 1980. This was the time of highest exposure to leaded gasoline. The curve of measurements of Cd in the rings can be super‑imposed on a curve of global temperatures during the same time period. On 1‑9‑13 the Wall Street Journal printed a graph of global temperatures and drought from 1900 to 2010. For 20 years between 1960 and 1980 there were decreased temperatures, decreased variability of temperature, and no droughts.  In 2012 the global temperature was the highest and the US experienced a devastating drought as you note in your book.

 I know a lot about cadmium. I have been studying it for 27 years. You can find my papers on my Web page.  I am a physician I see the effects in the change in health patterns.  Children under the age of 50 in the USA have the lowest life expectancy in the developed world and they are the population with the highest perceived stress.

 I hope you will call me and let me share with you all that I know about this very important element. Science as you say is also not working. A new idea, especially a global hypothesis, is unpopular. Even more so if overturns assumptions seen as facts.  

But the inconvenient truth is that cadmium is an increasing global pollutant and the mediator of stress, playing a role in all the problems you describe.  The rain forests and wetlands which are the natural traps for cadmium are decreasing while cadmium air pollution increases. Cap and trade will not work.