Wednesday, June 1, 2011

What is in the air?

Have you notice that many things have changed in the last 30 years? In health there has been a rise in autism, asthma, alzheimers, obesity,  and diabetes for starters. Judging from the ads on TV there is an epidemic of erectile dysfunction and incontinence.  

In the atmosphere  there is the huge increase in CO2 and the problems of drought, floodings, violent weather, and global warming.

In the plant world, there are toxic, smelly algal blooms choking lakes and shores and invasive  vine plants.

There is one air pollutant that can link all these problems.  It is below the radar of the mass media.  A huge amount of information is available, however, on the internet.

It is my purpose in writing this blog to introduce you to this pollutant which is present in crude oil, tobacco, and phosphate fertilizers.  

What is in the air? Cadmium.  30 years ago when lead was removed form gasoline,  the cadmium which is present in all fossil fuel became more bioavailable but its measurements in air filters declined.  Cadmium in air doesn't work alone and the explosion of chemicals  such as bis phenol A can affect the ability of the body to bind up cadmium so that it can't have an effect.

You can read my papers at

I will write each day about a topic influenced by cadmium and how you can act politically to get governments to pay attention  and what you can do as indivudals to thrive in a toxic world.

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