Monday, December 30, 2013

Low testosterone,Bi-polar disorder, Alzheimer's and Re-versal of Cadmium effects by Lithium

Abnormalities seen in Bi-polar disorder and Alzheimer's appear to be at least partially reversed by lithium. See The following link:

If you look then look at the effects of lithium in reversing cadmium effects on the  rat testes you see that some of the same abnormalities noted in the previous article can be caused by cadmium  and  are reversed by lithium.

 Assist Reprod Genet. 2010 August; 27(8): 469–476.
Published online 2010 May 9. doi:  10.1007/s10815-010-9426-3
PMCID: PMC2941593

Cadmium is a ubiquitous pollutant that is more bio-available in air since lead was removed from gasoline in 1980 in much of the world.  The body tends to bind it up into a protein called metallothionein. In a state of chronic stress and low testosterone the ability to build protein diminishes. With the breakdown of metallothionein cadmium, mercury, arsenic, copper, and zinc are released.

In a setting of low testosterone zinc is not efficiently absorbed.  Supplemental zinc by antagonizing  cadmium can increase testosterone. Low levels of zinc have may adverse effects throughout the body.  It is major factor in the increase in gluten intolerance  and type II diabetes. Cadmium is an anti-metabolite of zinc and it can be more  toxic combined with copper, arsenic, and mercury. Attention is not given to cadmium because it so quickly moves out of the blood into the lining of blood vessels and into endocrine organs.

There is heavy advertising for treatment of low testosterone with testosterone replacement.  This carries a very real risk of promoting prostate cancer.  The use of nutritional lithium in the from of lithium orotate which is available without RX can be  used safely in a dose of 5 mg elemental lithium 1-3 times a day.  Since it is generally easy to tell if testosterone levels are adequate, a person can listen to the body to determine if this is effective.  Since cadmium lowers 25-OH vit D it is wise to supplement with up to 10,000 units of vit D3 and at least 100 mcg of vit K2 to keep calcium in bones and teeth and out of soft tissue.  Do not supplement with calcium but do supplement with magnesium which is required in greater amounts with cadmium exposure to maintain testosterone. Poor stomach acid decreases the uptake of magnesium and zinc. The amino acid taurine enhances their uptake.   Moderate exercise, a healthy diet, a good night sleep and skillful stress management are equally important for testosterone and general health and lower toxic effects of cadmium.

 The psychiatric dose of lithium is 30 to 90 mg of elemental  lithium a  day. 10 mg of elemental  lithium a  day through drinking water  is naturally found in some areas of the world where mental health problems are strikingly low.  Patients on higher levels of lithium  need to consult with their physician before making any changes in their medication regimens.

Lithium is alkalinzing and enhances the uptake of B-12 into neurons.

Friday, July 12, 2013

linoleic acid and reduced prostate cancer

In the same study that showed an association with elevated prostate cancer risk with a higher omega 3 fatty acid level in the  blood found that those with more linoleic acid had a decreased risk of low grade and all types prostate cancer.  Gamma linoleic acid  is very important in preventing inflammation, an important pathway of carcinogenesis.  It is always a good idea to take EPA/DHA fish oil  supplements with EPO Evening Primrose Oil supplements.

Fish Oil and Prostate Cancer

The report that an average  2.5% increase in omega 3 fatty acids was found in the blood of men that developed prostate cancer versus those that did not has produced a great deal of comment in the media. I plan to read the article. But before everyone makes assumptions it is helpful to recognize that this study did not actually investigate whether the men with prostate cancer ate more fish or even took any fish oil supplements. Nor did they look at 25- OH vitamin D 3 levels which  would have given a possible indication of exposure to free cadmium, a known cause of prostate cancer.  Elevations of substances in the blood do not necessarily mean elevated exposure. It can also mean a change in metabolism. In a study of mercury, pregnant women with elevated blood mercury had worse outcomes but women who ate the most fish, an important source of mercury exposure had the best outcome.  Blood lead levels correlate with toxic effects with no threshold but removing lead from gasoline and the subsequent drop in blood lead levels has led to no improvements in health . On the contrary, it  has allowed for increased toxicity from ambient cadmium air pollution in conjunction with the other chemicals, metals, viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Unintended Consequences 4-23-13

Unintended Consequences
By Sandra M. Pinkham, M.D. 4-23-13

Health care costs are at an unsustainable level and rising. In a recent report sponsored by the Institute of Medicine and the National Research Council, Americans under the age of 50 at this time have the lowest life expectancy in the developed world, even though as a nation we spend the most on health care (New York Times (NYT) 1-10-13). Something is seriously wrong. 

I have an idea why this is so: cadmium (Cd) air pollution.  The scientists who influence public policy have not been open to this global hypothesis and its global implications.  However, we are all breathing the earth's air. It behooves everyone to examine the evidence.

There was an experiment with our planet earth from 1920 until 1980 and a little beyond.  Tetraethyl lead was used in gasoline.  This polluted the air with lead.  Blood lead levels increased in children. In the mid 70's a doctor became convinced that low level lead toxicity was the cause of problems in children. Toxicologists and epidemiologists found that there was a linear correlation between blood lead levels and various health effects. No such correlations could be found with blood Cd levels. Extensive research was done and lead became the number one pollutant of concern by the US Environmental Protection Agency. Everyone was informed that lead was very dangerous and regulations were put in place.  Testing of blood lead levels was mandated.  In 1980 lead was removed from gasoline in the United States and by 2000 virtually all countries had removed lead from gasoline.

When lead was removed from gasoline, blood lead levels in children dropped dramatically. It was still possible to find that a small elevation of blood level above the background associated with adverse effects. The drop in blood lead levels was not associated with improvements in mental or physical health as predicted by the research correlating blood lead with these problems. In the 1950's, Americans under the age of 50 had the highest life expectancy in world. At the current time, they are at the bottom for the developed countries.  We are also the country with the largest consumption of fuel.  However, as I will outline below, there are many aspects of life, other environmental exposures, genetics, gender, and age that increase or decrease a person’s individual response to cadmium air pollution.

These variable factors that influence an individual’s response cannot explain the effects of removing lead from gasoline on global warming. From 1960 to 1980 when lead air pollution was at its highest there was a period  when global warming stopped, the variability of temperature  decreased and their were no droughts. After 1980 the temperature started climbing again, there was more variability and in 2012 the global temperature was the highest in the last 110 years and the US experienced a devastating drought ( Wall Street Journal 1‑9‑13).  I would like to show you the evidence for linking the removal of tetraethyl lead from gasoline with increased bio‑availability of Cd air pollution.

I became interested in Cd in 1986 when I found that high achieving children in a white upper middle class suburb had the lowest levels of hair lead and Cd while the lowest achieving children had double the mean values. The correlation was significant for hair lead but not for hair Cd because of the high variability in hair Cd levels. I thought at first that this study provided evidence for a very low threshold for a toxic effect of lead. The children were exposed to a trash burning power plant that had been in operation for two years at the time of the study. This was a source of Cd pollution not lead. As I studied the effects of lead and cadmium both in human health and the environment, I concluded that low level lead toxicity was actually due to Cd releasing lead from bone, where it is stored, into the blood. The quick disappearance of Cd from blood into the endothelial lining of blood vessels contributed to the failure to find it consistently in hair in my study and the general failure to associate low level cadmium exposure from air to health effects.

What is Cadmium?
Cd can be found in the periodic chart between zinc and mercury.  The best single book about cadmium is The Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Biology of Cadmium edited by Micheal Webb, 1979. It forms a covalent bond with chloride so that Cd Cl2 is a molecule like water and highly bioavailable. It tends to enter young cells with fluid membranes.  It can enter via multiple channels.  It can take the place of zinc but in doing so changes the activity of the enzymes. Cd, but not lead or mercury, is able to substitute for zinc in critical controls of cell functioning. 

In plant and animal studies it causes a stress response.  Stress and inflammation play a role in virtually all human disease. It is my hypothesis that Cd is the biochemical mediator of the stress response in all organisms. It enters cells when they are young and rapidly growing. It is kept sequestered but in any kind of stress it can become free to trigger the stress response and work together with other chemicals and metals. It can do this at very low levels, below the detection limit.  In cells that are adapted it may have little or no effect because it is bound.

Cd, but not lead or mercury, gets into the lining of blood vessels and into the endocrine organs throughout the body and the choroid plexus. This was shown in an animal study using radioactive Cd injected into the peritoneal cavity. The choroid plexus, in addition to producing cerebral spinal fluid, is a filtration system analogous to the kidney that maintains the environment required by the brain to function optimally.  Therefore, though Cd does not directly get into the brain, it plays an important role in affecting mental health.

Cd has well studied biological effects in all living entities. It can interfere with DNA repair. This contributes on the one hand to evolution.   However, increased mutations are found in sperm of father’s with children with autism. It is feature of influenza virus and also HIV-1, the major cause of global AIDS.  Some of the most aggressive cancers are associated with increased mutations. These protective and disease producing effects are well described by D. Breyersmann.

Cd has bidirectional effects on cell signaling pathways.  Therefore, one would not expect a linear correlation of effects with exposure. On the contrary, it increases variability and flattens the Bell curve of distribution. It increases extremes.  It has very important effects on the immune system. When Cd is given to an animal which does not have the binding protein metallothionein it increases the activity of 78 immune regulating genes and decreases the activity of 35.

Cadmium’s Role in Stress
Cd gets into the nucleus of the cell and turns off the housekeeping genes and turns on the stress response genes. It can increase intracellular calcium, deplete glutathione, a potent anti‑oxidant that protects mitochondria, increase tumor‑necrosis‑factor alpha (TNF‑alpha), and lower vitamin D. These are cellular manifestations of stress. It can increase catecholamines and glucocorticoids, hormonal mediators of stress. 

Cd can be looked upon as a messenger of the stress response. The inflammatory effects are necessary to trigger repair from injury but if not handled properly by the host can lead to disease or death. To control the stress response it increases the production of a metal binding protein called metallothionein, so that the stress response can be turned off. Although Cd is particularly toxic during pregnancy and early childhood, a pre‑exposure to Cd can increase resiliency and hardiness later in life.

In the setting of chronic stress, mental or physical, there is a chronic elevation of glucocorticoids which break down proteins, preventing the binding and detoxification of Cd. High glucocorticoids are associated with physical problems such as  poor outcome in pneumonia and acute myocardial infarction and mental problems like anxiety, depression and psychosis.  In studies of urinary hormones, there is a national tendency for an increase in glucocorticoid hormones that breakdown proteins over anabolic hormones that build them up ( personal communication with Genova Labs).

High glucocorticoids and low vitamin D have profound effects on the central nervous system. Low and high dose exposure to Cd in animals given by intraperitoneal injection produces free radicals in the brain and the effects are long lasting. It is possible these effects involve its presence in the choroid plexus as well as direct effects of glucocorticoids and low vitamin  D.

Sources of Cadmium
Cd is a global, ubiquitous pollutant that has been present in earth's environment since the beginning and it certainly could be a contributor to evolution. The Cd content of the heavier elements of the sun is 6%.  Solar winds could be one source of air Cd since polar animals have high levels of Cd in their kidneys. Volcanoes and forest fires are sources as well. Combustion of all kinds increases Cd in the air. One analysis of crude oil indicated it contained 32 ng/gm Cd.  Combustion of any product made from crude oil is thus a source of  Cd pollution. All metal industries release Cd fumes. Animal wastes and phosphate fertilizers contribute Cd to soil and water. Through plants it can be transferred to air in hot and windy conditions. Indoors Cd is incorporated into house dust, molds and danders, common allergens. Outdoors it increases in pollen. Lead exposure actually decreases the Cd content of pollens.  Cd increases the allergenicity of pollens.  For humans, tobacco smoke has always been a source of Cd air pollution.  The acid soil in which tobacco plants are grown increase Cd uptake.  Tobacco leaves contain 1mcg/gm or more Cd. Smokers have double the levels of Cd in their kidneys. The increasing level of nicotine in tobacco is likely a response to increased Cd exposure.

There is a Cd cycle. In the ocean, Cd is a growth stimulant for plankton. They in turn are eaten by krill.  Birds eating krill deposit guano, a source of super phosphate fertilizer and especially high levels of Cd.  Pelagic birds have exceptionally high levels of Cd in their kidneys with no apparent toxicity. 

Cadmium Effects on Global Warming
All life forms are exposed to and have a capacity to deal with Cd. Archae are widespread ancient microorganisms that share with prokaryocyles the lack of a nucleus and share with eukaryocytes the genes for DNA repair and signal transduction pathways. They are known for their ability to survive extreme environments.  It is plausible to believe that they adapted to use Cd . These organisms use carbon, nitrogen or sulfur to generate energy instead of oxygen. The methanogens generate methane, natural gas. The ones that use nitrogen produce nitrites and ammonia.  The ones that use sulfur produce sulfuric acid.

Methane is a major contributor to greenhouse gas. Scientists estimate that archaea make up 16% of the earth's biomass.  An effect of Cd stimulating the growth of methanogens would promote global warming by increasing production of methane gas. Ruminants contain these organisms in their gastrointestinal tract. The methane they produce is a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions in New Zealand. Tannins administered to these ruminants decrease their production of methane. A plausible explanation is that tannins, known to bind Cd, decrease Cd's ability to stimulate the growth of the methanogens.  It is equally plausible to suggest that when lead formed a particulate with Cd that there was less stimulation of global methanogens.

Plants affected by Cd can decrease photosynthesis, the process which takes up atmospheric CO2 and changes it into food and oxygen in the chloroplast. Cd can increase photo‑respiration which generates energy by consuming oxygen and producing CO2, increasing atmospheric CO2. So plants affected by Cd also contribute to global warming. Similarly, when lead formed a particulate with Cd, it is plausible to suggest that there was less Cd stimulation of photo‑respiration increasing global CO2.

Attention has been given to the direct production of CO2 by combustion of fuels. What has been overlooked has been the release of Cd in combustion. By further increasing methane and CO2 in living systems around the globe, Cd emissions can be predicted to accelerate global warming.

This very significant effect on global warming is currently not being evaluated by any scientist concerned with studying this problem.  The excuse is that there is not sufficient proof that Cd is playing a role. The reason Cd pollution has not been addressed is that the filters used around the world to measure Cd emissions were designed when tetraethyl leaded gasoline was in use. Lead/Cd particulates are caught in these filters.  With the removal of lead from gasoline, the filters do not measure Cd pollution accurately.

There are problems with direct measurements of Cd.  Specimens collected in the environment are typically dried at high temperatures which can drive off volatile Cd compounds. It is possible to take advantage of the effect of Cd changing the copy number of genes for Cd binding proteins.  In algae , for example, one could determine this copy number to assess increasing levels of free, bio-available Cd.

With the understanding of the role of Cd in global warming, it will be possible to devise better solutions for this pressing global problem. Could one solution be the resumption of tetraethyl lead in gasoline at some level in some environments?  Could targeted lead air pollution block Cd emissions from coal burning power plants by forming particulates that could be trapped better in filters?

Cadmium Effects on Global Living Systems
Protozoa feed on bacteria. Cd inhibition of their ability to ingest bacteria can lead to bacterial overgrowth. Bacteria can become resistant to Cd. In doing so, they can acquire genes in plasmids that increase their virulence. They can also acquire the multiple drug resistant pump which is also the pump used to exclude Cd from the bacteria. Super‑bugs are a major problem. No one is currently looking at the Cd content of these bacteria or how Cd exposure affects their acquisition of drug resistance. This is a testable hypothesis that could lead to improved treatment.

Cd can also increase the infectivity and virulence of viruses. The scourge of AIDS developed since 1980. There have been no studies of the effect of Cd on infectivity or virulence of HIV.  They could be done. Cd has been shown to activate Herpes from a dormant state.  Shingles is very common. Physicians and patients are completely unaware of the connection. Vitamin D decreases the risk of getting influenza. Not only is the public not educated on the ways to stay healthy by increasing their vitamin D but they are getting the message that the only approach to decreasing the flu is to wash hands and get a flu shot.

The gastrointestinal microflora has a profound effect on human and animal health. Dairy, wheat, and sugar increase the expansion of intestinal gram negative E.coli. This results in weight gain, inflammation and insulin resistance in mice fed gluten containing feed.  This flora is found in pregnant women in the last trimester and in individuals with metabolic syndrome. E.Coli contain lipopolysaccharide a chemical that increases an inflammatory substance called Tumor-necrosis-factor-alpha.  Vegetables promote a different bacterial composition that doesn't have these effects. It is possible that bacteria sequester Cd in food, water, and bile secretions so that Cd is released from the host into the stool.  No one is doing these studies at this time. Gram negative bacteria contain lipopolysaccharides (LPS). LPS are synergistic with Cd.  Binge drinkers can drink enough alcohol to kill these bacteria, releasing LPS and Cd, causing liver injury.

Plants can adapt to Cd and thrive. The aggressive invasive plants need to be studied for Cd resistance. This is not being done. Other plants are being stressed and suffer from disease and death. Currently, forests are under stress from climate change, flooding, drought, and infestation by beetles and fungi. Beetles bind Cd into their chitin. They easily adapt to Cd. Fungi are well‑adapted to detoxify Cd with Cd binding proteins, as well.  The nitrogen fixing archae in forests can be inhibited by too much Cd, which deprives the trees of needed nitrites. 

The lack of recognition of Cd's role in human disease is due to the poor correlation of direct measures of blood, urine, and hair Cd levels and health effects, while correlations are found for lead and mercury.  Moreover, the conclusion that Cd was not an important source of Cd exposure was made when lead was present in gasoline. In heavy industrial exposure or contaminated water its toxicity was well‑recognized. Tobacco smoke was also known to be an important source of Cd exposure and adverse health effects. Because of the large number of pollutants in tobacco smoke, it was not considered possible to attribute effects of tobacco smoke to Cd. However, in a study of embryonic stem cells, exposure to cigarette smoke and to cadmium alone caused shortening of teleomeres.

Cadmium Synergy

Of all the toxic metals, Cd has been shown to enhance the toxicity of metals like arsenic, nickel, and chromium. It alters the metabolism of organic chemicals. The two together can be toxic at doses that would not cause toxicity if there was exposure to either one alone. Many of the endocrine disruptors have this synergistic effect with Cd , which is also classified as an endocrine disruptor.  It is also synergistic with nicotine. With the current ability to look at gene effects and signal transduction effects in experimental systems, it has been possible to show that toxic effects of tobacco smoke are mediated by Cd.  The US EPA is struggling to find what dose of the various chemicals in the environment may be toxic. They attribute blood levels to exposure, ignoring the effect of Cd on increasing blood levels and they ignore the synergistic effect with Cd.  

Cadmium and Metallothionein
Another factor that makes Cd exposure and toxicity complicated is the interaction of Cd with the metal binding protein, metallothionein. A major pollutant of concern that is present in processed food, bis‑phenol A, inhibits the ability of liver cells to make metallothionein.  This would increase free Cd exposure and increase liver toxicity. Metallothionein is very responsive to stress. Hormones, oxidative stress, radiation, all kinds of stresses affect the production of metallothionein. It binds, zinc, copper, arsenic, mercury and Cd.  But the promotor of the gene for  metallothioneins is much more responsive to Cd than to zinc, which is consistent with Cd's role as  mediator of the stress response.  When Cd and mercury are released from metallothionein by any of a number of factors, mercury, which is less bio-available, will hang around in the blood and be excreted in the urine while Cd will disappear from the view of toxicologists by uptake into the lining of blood vessels and the choroid plexus.  The dose response that toxicologists find for blood mercury has lead to its placement above Cd as a metal of concern.

Health Changes since Lead Removal form gasoline
In the thirty years since lead was removed from gasoline the world has seen many adverse health effects. In addition to the global emergence of HIV, autism has increased 3 fold.  In 2012 children in the highest quartile for blood or urine Cd were found to have a three fold increased risk of placement in special education. This is confirmation of the small study I did in 1986.  Clearly, Cd is having a negative effect on the brain health of children.

If one looks at mass shootings, the majority have occurred since 1980.  Violence is a major problem that is of great concern to all of us. Violence has been found by Dr. Daniel Amen to be associated with poor blood flow to the left amygdala and the left prefrontal cortex. We can not prevent gun violence by back‑ground checks of gun buyers. We need to educate gun owners of the need to keep their brains healthy by avoiding alcohol, getting a good night sleep, eating a healthy diet and learning to skillfully manage stress.  The Dept of Defense needs this information to assess recruits and to monitor soldiers in combat and returning from tours to prevent suicides and homicides. Violence is one of the factors lowering the life expectancy of those under the age of 50.

There has been a dramatic increase in the finding of low levels of 25‑OH vitamin D in all kinds of chronic diseases that are major contributors to the dramatic increase in health care expenditures. These diseases are autism, Alzheimer's disease, obesity, diabetes, cancer, auto‑immune disease, severe allergies, gluten sensitivity, epilepsy, kidney disease, insomnia, anxiety, depression, ADHD, alcoholism, drug addiction, psychosis, traumatic brain injury, degenerative joint disease, chronic fatigue, etc.

The list goes on and on. All these diseases are in some way associated not only with low vitamin D but also stress and inflammation. They are clearly not caused by lead. Instead the removal of lead appears to have had the unintended consequence of increasing the availability of Cd to cause toxicity in association with many other factors.

Implications for Improving Health and Lowering Health Care Costs
To paraphrase Tolstoy in Anna Karenina, healthy individuals are all alike. Their genetic make‑up, life style, social support, and stress management techniques protect them from Cd induced chronic stress, inflammation, and low vitamin D. Unhealthy individuals are unhealthy in a myriad of ways. Low vitamin D and markers of chronic stress and inflammation point to a role for Cd in their disease.

To lower health care costs, a wellness check should focus on whether vitamin D levels are in the mid range between 50 and 70 ng/mL without large doses of supplemental vitamin D.  Signs and symptoms of physical or mental stress should be assessed. Deviations from the mean in blood parameters, insomnia, chronic fatigue, muscle weakness, chronic pain, high or low BP, high or low adipocity, high or low body temperature could all be used by health care providers to identify the population at risk for adverse health effects. A ten minute wellness check for free focused on updating immunizations and treating  high BP and  high cholesterol with medications instead of life style changes is not going to reduce health care costs. 

To moderate the rising cost of health care, to improve the health and life expectancy of young people and at the same time address multiple environmental problems it is imperative that regulatory agencies recognize that the unintended consequence of the removal of lead from gasoline has been the increased availability of Cd. Cd must become the number one pollutant of concern.  It is an essential component of the stress response. Both too much and too little can be a problem.  Currently, there is too much.  All disciplines need to become knowledgeable about its far‑reaching effects. It is magnifying the toxic effect of other metals, chemicals, viruses, bacteria, archae, fungi, protozoa, and parasites around the world. 

Air pollution makes our planet a global village. As members of this village,  everyone needs to be concerned that there is a stress agent in the air we breathe that is hurting our children  and our  planet.

I am writing this account so that you, the reader, will understand that if you don't take action to urge our institutions to deal with this problem we will continue to fail to lower health care cost and fail to curb global warming. Severe droughts are devastating to agriculture as are beetle and fungal infestations. Fracking needs to be studied from the point of view that since methane is produced by methanogens, there is a possibility that Cd pollution could occur when it is retrieved. 

There is really no problem that is not being made worse by Cd air pollution even though some individuals are able to adapt and thrive. By causing stress all aspects of our planet are affected. It is imperative that the global blind spot regarding Cd air pollution is replaced by a broad based initiative to address this problem and all its ramifications.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Cadmium and Cancer

I am an alternative physician and I have spend 20 years researching the effects of cadmium on health and the environment. See Cadmium is associated with breast, prostate, lung, and pancreatic cancer. It is a carcinogen, co-carcinogen, and anti-carcinogen and its effects are unpredictable. It gets into rapidly growing cells with fluid membranes. Successful use of chemo and radiation may involve cadmium effects on the cancer cells. Likewise toxic effects of these therapies may involve cadmium effects on normal cells. Certainly the resurgence of chemo and radiation resistant cancer cells involve cadmium resistance.
Except for cigarette smoke, human exposure to cadmium was not felt to come from air pollution. Unfortunately there are many sources of cadmium air pollution coming from trash burning power plants, fossil fuel combustion, and super phosphate fertilizers getting into the air from plants. However, both passive and active smoke greatly increases cadmium exposure. Cotinine correlates with cadmium. Higher Cotinine and NNAL levels in the urine of smokers increases their risk of lung cancer in the next 5 years 8.5 times. Cadmium is highly synergistic with chemicals and by affecting the liver can double the levels of the chemical in the system with co-exposure. Heart disease and strokes kill more smokers than lung cancer. These are also cadmium toxic effects.
Since 1980, with the elimination of leaded gasoline, the cadmium in the air has become more bio-available, making non-smokers more exposed to cadmium. Estrogen increases cadmium uptake so women and middle aged men who are under stress and making more estrogen from their adrenals are more exposed to cadmium.
In general: a nutrient dense, high fiber, plant food based diet, with good fish oils, a good night sleep, cardiac coherence exercise (rhythmic slow movements), a GI tract with good probiotics and no yeast or toxic bacteria from taking antibiotics, and happiness ( love, end of stress, Low Dose Naltrexone , meditation, spirituality) counter the toxic effects of cadmium. Although cadmium is not mentioned, the AntiCancer Action Plan in Anti Cancer a New Way of Life by David Servan-Schreiber is an excellent general health action plan that I think would contribute more to Health Care Reform than any legislation Congress could pass. It is an excellent anti-cadmium approach. I have only 5 minor disagreements with his suggestions.
Cadmium’s effect on health has been generally overlooked due to erroneous assumptions of toxicologists and lack of knowledge of other health professionals. There is a great deal known about its effects however in bacteria, fungi, and cells of all kinds. This is particularly interesting since so much of the research on cancer is on signal transduction modification. Cadmium increases IL-6, IL-8, works through the MAPK pathway via p38, it plays a role in nuclear transcription via AP-1. I t activates NFK-beta. It generates ROS (reactive oxygen species) which play a role in angiogeneisis. It down regulates mitochondria which may increase glycolysis.
If you look up estrogen and lung cancer you will find that 61 % of lung cancer cells, especially adenocarcinoma have a nuclear estrogen receptor beta, 70.3 % of males where it is associated with a more favorable prognosis. The anti-estrogen fasolodex (no other anti-estrogen) kills cancer cells especially in conjunction with a blocker of EGFR. There is one NCI trial currently using faslodex and tarceva. ER beta is found in osteoclasts in the bone and in the brain. This is one rationale for using faslodex for bone and brain metastasis. Probably also useful for adrenal metastasis since estrogen can be produced in the adrenal gland.
Binding of estradiol to ER initiates dissociation of HS protein followed by dimerization and nuclear localization, binds to DNA, AF-1 transcription via MAPK pathway mediates angiogenisis.  Estrogen can activate EGFR ( HER-2). Block with Fulvestrant (faslodex 250 mg IM every 3 weeks)
There is now an experimental radiaoactive estradiol that can be used in PET scan that can determine estrogen receptor positivity in primary and metastatic tumors. It was designed for determining hormone resistance in breast cancer but might prove helpful in determining estrogen positivity in any tumor.
In my studies of urinary hormone metabolites done by Genova I have found and the laboratory confirms that there is a very high predominance in men and women of excess 4-OH estradiol, the carcinogenic estrogen , and also a decrease in its methylation and a general decrease in methylation. Hypomethylation is another effect seen in cadmium studies.
In soy products. It is an estrogen receptor beta agonist. It inhibits Il-6 which makes cisplatin more effective. Other substances are IL-6 inhibitors It inhibits GLUT-1 expression which may be important for Taxol getting into the cell and so don’t use soy with taxol.
Alternative anti estrogen therapies include 12 mg of iodine, 200 mcg of plant based selenium, tocotrienol.
Il-6 is increased by stress ( Cd effect) , lack of sleep, and depression. It increases bone resorption via MAPK Cd pathway). Increased in hormone refractory prostate cancer. It increases platelets in circulation. If not bone marrow suppressed one can check Il-6 activation with platelet count, perhaps. Statins and N-bisphophonates like zometa inhibit IL-6. Alternatives: fish oils, polyphenols in green tea, colorful berries, grape seed extracts, spices like turmeric and black pepper ( curumin and bioperine) Chinese herb magnolia officinales inhibits IL-6 and Low dose naltrexone (LDN) especially in combination with alpha lipoic acid which chelates and detoxifies cadmium.
BLOCK Il-8 ( increased by Cd)
IL-8 is an angiogenesis factor that promotes growth of NSCLC negatively correlated with survival. Increases resistance to apoptosis from radiation and cisplatin.
BLOCK c-Met (HGF/C-met over-expression associated with poor prognosis mediated by cox-2 PG-E2 (cadmium pathway) inhibit with celebrex . COX-inhibition enhances Tarceva effects.
alternatives: Live Right For Your Type by Peter D'adamo  page 234 melatonin, curcumin plus all strategies that block Cd
By blocking Cd, Green tea (ECGC) many other herbs and spices including oleander
BLOCK EGFR ( Tarceva, Iressa, Erbitux)
alternatives: See Live Right for your Type (LRFYT) by Peter D’Adamo Page 232 to 234
*Melatonin up to 20 mg a night
*Curcumin (can use 1 T turmeric and 1 t ginger twice a day with olive oil, garlic, and black pepper in food or use capsules of curcumin and bioperine)
* Quercitin ( best absorbed with bromelain) can take up to 6 capsules a day ( found in the brown skins of yellow onions) can put in crock pot soups and let it leach into the liquid.
* Rosemary also can be used in cooking
* Avoid wheat and wheat germ ( major disagreement with Anti Cancer book see LRFYT)
EGFR, NFKbeta and IL-6 are a cancer pathway and inflammation pathway.
Regulates angiogenesis. Drugs Avastin, Sutent, and others block angiogenesis
related to glycolysis and low external pH around cancer cells
Deep slow breathing, cardiac coherence, use of oxygen or hyperbaric oxygen
Dichloroacetate (DCA) see WEB page. Take intermittently to avoid neuropathy 5 mg /Kg twice a day 5 days on and one day off. Watch for high BP. Monitor with LDH ( p34 hypoxia induced stress protein is an isozyme of LDH which cadmium, the mediator of the stress response, can increase ). Alpha Lipoic Sustain by Jarrow 300 mg twice a day is a good blocker of cadmium toxic effects that DCA could cause.
FK-228, depsipeptide Suppresses the RAS MAPK pathway ( Cd pathway) also folate antagonist/ Alimta is folate antagonist alternatives: Valproic acid ( generic Depakoate a common anti-epilepsy drug RX is required) also blocks MAPK and anti-folate plus Parthenolide (PKC inhibitor) from fever few ( can get the pure compound on line) Vit E and tocotrienol can also block PKC. Valproic plus Parthenolide plus Faslodex for resistant breast cancer cells
blocking MAPK helps with K-ras positive resistant tumors.
BLOCK IGF-1 (insulin derived growth factor)
Reason to keep blood sugar stable. Swings in blood sugar increase insulin levels ( can tell by belly fat accumulation) Increased IGF-1 activates K-ras confers resistance to EGFR antibodies. IGF-1 favors progression of small lesions. Activation of K-ras associated with adverse prognosis. Synergistic effect of inhibition of IGF receptor, EGFR and HER-2 (INSM-18 dual inhibitor of IGF-1 and HER-2) Panitumamab ( human EGFR Ab) and stable disease.
Curcumin and Bioperine
Methionine restriction ( low protein no egg yolks) important for bone lesions
BLOCK HS-90 ( heat shock protein 90 )
IP1-504 Seattle Cancer Alliance better response with wild type EGFR
Jill Goddart 617-453-1014 Clinical Trial. See above possible role with
Inhibit PG-E2 with anti cadmium strategies. Anti-Cox like Celebrex or herbal alternatives. Inhibit IL-6. Vitamin D-3 up to 20,000 units a day (monitor calcium to be sure levels don’t go above 11. Vit K2100 to 1000 mcg a day ( high levels in NATTO fermented soy beans) 7-keto DHEA adrenal hormone that does not convert to other hormones. Helps convert fat into muscle: anabolic
Dimensa, free thiols try Alpha Lipoic acid Sustain 300 mg (Jarrow) 1 tab twice a day 48 to
72 hour after chemo and 2 days before chemo. Another protocol stop herbs 48 hours before chemo and resume 72 hours after chemo.

IDEAL THERAPY based on cell killing. Expose cancer cells to cadmium to determine resistance. If no killing in 20micromolar Cd, highly resistant.
GENE typing also very helpful.\
* LOVE. We are born to love. Activates dopamine the reward chemical.
Lowers the perception of pain. Makes life worth living.
* SEE DCA WEB page for a complete protocol used by a woman who did not use DCA
* DCA anti-glycolysis. Available without RX from UK on line
* Beta glucan increases chemotherapy efficacy
*Oleander potentiates chemo and radiation ( Tony Isaac Oleander Protocol)
* Tian Xian Chinese herbal medication approximately $400 a month
* Exercise ( cardiac coherence movements) alleviates fatigue
* Inhibitors and inducers of CYP3A4 should be avoided with certain
chemos: grapefruit, pomegranate, and gingko
* Use of B-1, B-6 and B-12 to prevent neurotoxicity
* Noscarpine ( affects microtubles target of taxotere) anti cough and
anti-cancer. Increases heart rate, alertness, decreases sleepiness.
Cannot take with Coumadin. Can obtain on line.
*Marinol (RX) or medical marijuana anti nausea, appetite stimulant,
and anti-cancer
* Low dose Naltrexone (LDN) 1 to 4.5 mg with garlic, B-6 10 to 50 mg
at bedtime see WEB pages lowers Il-6. terminates the stress response,
pain reliever by enhancing endogenous opiates. Can’t be used with
opiates ( exogenous opiates). Requires a RX. Very inexpensive. Best in combination with alpha lipoic acid.
* Organic germanium. Cadmium chelator. Excretes
cadmium through the urine. See Web page. 150 mg 3 times a day.
Reportedly good for pain. Terminates the stress response.
* TMZ more positive effects with green tea (ECGC)
* Nutritional lithium OTC lithium orotate for low WBC, anxiety,
depression, alkalinizing
* Memastine for cognitive dysfunction from Whole brain radiation
See Immune Restoration Handbook by Mark Konlee
See Anti Cancer a New Way of Life
IMPROVING ENERGY (Mitochondrial function)
* D- Ribose ( Corvalen) 2.5 to 5 gm 2-3 times a day. May take 2-3
weeks to see benefit
* Co enzyme Q 10 100 mg a few times a day
*Acetyl L carnitine 250 to 500 mg twice a day ( especially good if
unintended weight gain, helps turn fat into energy)
* Rhodiola rosea herb that improves energy anti cancer, and decreases
toxicity of chemo
* Vinpocetin 5 mg 1-2 times a day increases ATP in neurons, increases
short term memory, focus, concentration. In high doses decreases
platelet clumping, may decrease risk of stroke or clots. Used to
improve brain function following strokes
* Magnesium as magnesium ascorbate (vit C), very good for
constipation, magnesium inositol(Cenitol) very good for overall neuronal function

Friday, March 1, 2013

Letter to Al Gore (unanswered)

I would like to introduce you to another important connection regarding global warming that you do not address in your book.  Our planet is stressed and the biochemical mediator of the stress response is cadmium (Cd). Where is Cd coming from? It is a ubiquitous element in air coming from population growth, industrial processes, agricultural practices, combustions of all kinds and probably solar winds since polar animals have high levels of Cd in their kidneys. Tobacco smoke has always been a powerful source.  It has to be the most important global element that nobody concerned with global warming seems to know anything about.

The Cadmium Hypothesis
Although you mention cadmium once in your book as one of 215 toxins found in humans routinely, it has a major effect on the many problems you outline so well. The planet is an aggregate organism of all the living systems.  It is my hypothesis that cadmium played a role in the evolution of the planet and the past climate changes, mass extinctions and dramatic changes in life forms that occurred.
 It was able to do this because it is changes gene expression, interferes with DNA repair and  acts through signal transduction pathways that help cells adapt to stressors in their environment. The very young are generally unable to adapt.  The strategy is to quickly sequester cadmium and then just allow a little cadmium to be free in situations of stress to do the necessary up and down regulation of genes and signaling to respond to the stress in an adaptive way that leads to resiliency and hardiness.
At current levels of pollution the planet is not able to sequester the cadmium adequately. The extreme variations in temperature, storms, flooding, and drought are manifestations of this stress. If the people concerned about climate change are unwilling to look at what I have discovered I do not believe an adequate solution can be found.

Methane Production
Archae, one of the oldest living forms, which makes up 16% of the earth’s biomass, makes methane, sulfuric acid and nitrates. It has the enzymes of DNA repair and signal transduction found in plants and animals. These organisms are able to survive in extreme environments, just the conditions that cadmium could facilitate.  By increasing methane gas from archae cadmium contributes to global warming.   In animal studies when the archae  in the guts of ruminants that make methane are treated with tannins which bind cadmium, the methane production decreases. 
Since methane deposits  were probably produced by Archae  using Cd. It is possible that these deposits contain Cd. Dimethyl cadmium is an odorless gas and the current filters will not pick it up. Fracking has been associated with adverse effects in humans and animals that one could attribute to cadmium acting probably in conjunction with other chemicals. I would very much like to see a biological filter for cadmium used to determine how much cadmium leaks out and whether “clean” methane gas is actually clean. If burning it is releasing more cadmium fumes it will contribute to global warming.

Measuring Cadmium
Algea exposed to cadmium increase the copy number of the cadmium binding protein phytochelaton.  The filters in use now for cadmium were developed when lead was in the air and the lead/cadmium particulate was caught. Without lead cadmium goes through the filter which is why the various groups concerned about global warming have not been paying attention to cadmium.  It is necessary to use a biological trap.  I predict that invasive species are cadmium resistant. That would be a kind of measure. The fungal blights affecting corn in the Midwest are cadmium tolerant. All fertilizerrs have cadmium and cadmium gets into the lignan of plants which is how it gets into plastics.  Cadmium can go through the plant into the air in hot windy conditions but the current filters wont pick up this fume.

 CO2 Production
All combustion releases cadmium in the air. Biofuels are just as bad as fossil fuels. But in addition to releasing CO2 it releases Cd which influences all plants. Diatoms in phytoplankton use cadmium to produce CO2 which increases the growth of phytoplankton.  This is a large biomass in itself.  Cadmium can decrease photosynthesis and increase photo-respiration increasing CO2. At the same time it will decrease the atmospheric O2, a finding you describe that is happening.

How Leaded Gasoline Blocked Cd Uptake and the Aftermath of Its Removal
When there was lead pollution from tetraethyl lead in gasoline, Cd was more effectively monitored but it blocked to some degree the uptake of Cd in house dust, pollen, and all living entities. In 1993, a German scientist found the uptake of Cd in the tree rings of a single oak was decreased in the time period from 1960 to 1980. This was the time of highest exposure to leaded gasoline. The curve of measurements of Cd in the rings can be super‑imposed on a curve of global temperatures during the same time period. On 1‑9‑13 the Wall Street Journal printed a graph of global temperatures and drought from 1900 to 2010. For 20 years between 1960 and 1980 there were decreased temperatures, decreased variability of temperature, and no droughts.  In 2012 the global temperature was the highest and the US experienced a devastating drought as you note in your book.

 I know a lot about cadmium. I have been studying it for 27 years. You can find my papers on my Web page.  I am a physician I see the effects in the change in health patterns.  Children under the age of 50 in the USA have the lowest life expectancy in the developed world and they are the population with the highest perceived stress.

 I hope you will call me and let me share with you all that I know about this very important element. Science as you say is also not working. A new idea, especially a global hypothesis, is unpopular. Even more so if overturns assumptions seen as facts.  

But the inconvenient truth is that cadmium is an increasing global pollutant and the mediator of stress, playing a role in all the problems you describe.  The rain forests and wetlands which are the natural traps for cadmium are decreasing while cadmium air pollution increases. Cap and trade will not work.